Embracing the Introvert Within

In a world that often celebrates extroversion, it's important to recognize and embrace the unique strengths and qualities of introverts. If you find yourself resonating with the following traits, you might be more of an introvert: 1. Looking at Life from the Inside Out  Introverts tend to view the world through a lens of inner reflection. They find meaning and inspiration from within, often contemplating life's deeper questions and seeking personal growth. 2. Gaining Energy Through Solitude  While extroverts recharge by being around others, introverts gain energy through solitude. Quiet moments of reflection and alone time are essential for their well-being. 3. Excitement from Ideas Over Activities  Introverts often get more excited by ideas and concepts than by external activities. They thrive in environments where they can explore their thoughts and engage in intellectual pursuits. 4. Valuing Deep, Close Relationships  Rather than having many casual acquaintances, ...

8 practical tips for overcoming intrusive thinking: What it is and how it affects our mental energy

The mind, or the thinking brain, tends biologically in the direction of intrusive thinking. You may not recognize it, but when you pause and come to your senses, you may realize that these complaining and gloomy outlooks towards anything, which you may call intrusive thinking, drain mental energy, motivation, and satisfaction. This can lead to a spiral of persistent thoughts and result in anxiety.

To counteract intrusive thinking with recurring negative thoughts, Try making the below-mentioned 8 practical tips  for overcoming intrusive thinking and live a healthy life.

Tip 1: Practice Gratitude & Humour: 

Remember to thank one colleague, family member or friend daily and jot down three positive things before going to bed. 

Humor allows us to cope and stay sane, so let the unwanted chatter play itself out. Even sharing a giggle with colleagues can create a feeling of positivity.

Tip 2: Focus on what’s good:

When facing a difficult situation, it's important to distinguish between what's real and what's imagined. Ask yourself positive questions to overcome negativity and understand the truth, so that you can develop a thoughtful strategy to handle it. Remember that practicing patience is more crucial than rushing into a decision.

These questions will also aid you in researching and learning, enabling your personal growth. 

For example, questions like: What’s one true aspect about this situation? What’s one thing I can do differently next time to possibly have a better outcome? What’s one thing I can learn from this?

Tip 3: Remember, people don’t care that much about what you say or do.

Remember, people don't really care much about what you say or do. It's easy to fall into negative thoughts when you think about what people may say or think if you do or don't do something. 

Getting stuck in your head and in thoughts like that will pull you further away from what you want and from reality. The truth is that people don't have that much time, attention, or energy to think or talk about what you do. 

This realization and reminder can help you to set yourself free from the limitations you may create in your own mind and help you to start taking small – or larger steps – towards what you deep down want in your life.

Tip 4: Question the thought.

When a new idea comes to mind, it's important to question it. Ask yourself if you should take the idea seriously. 

Often, you'll find that the answer is no, especially when you're feeling tired, hungry, or overworked.

 Negativity can cloud your judgment in those moments. Instead of fixating on a small mistake or a bad day, questioning the idea can help you regain a level-headed perspective.

Tip 5: Remember, Garbage in - Garbage out

Replace the negativity in your surroundings. What you allow into your thoughts and your daily life can have a huge impact on you. Start considering what you allow in.

Ask yourself: What are the top three sources of negativity in my life? It could be people, work stress, social media, time management, lack of energy, etc.

Then, ask yourself: What can I do to spend less time with these three sources of negativity this week? Use the time you've freed up this week to focus on things or people in your life that bring positivity.

Tip 6:  Check priority, Ask yourself if this is much fuss about nothing.

Consider if your response to a situation matches the importance of the matter at hand. 

You can do this by asking yourself a question like: will this matter in five years? Or even in five weeks? The answer to that question can help you put things into perspective.

Tip 7: Let it out and talk it over.

Let out your thoughts and communicate about them. Keeping negative thoughts bottled up won't help.

Talking about your feelings with someone close to you could be beneficial. Hearing another perspective can help you create an action plan and can be both relieving and recharging.

Tip 8: Start tomorrow in a way that sets a positive tone for your day.

Start tomorrow in a way that sets a positive tone for your day. How you start your day often sets the tone for it. 

A cynical or negative start makes it difficult to turn things around. A few simple ways to start your day off on a positive note are: 

  • Set a simple reminder that you see right after you wake up. It could be a quote or quotes that inspire you. Or perhaps the goal or dream that you’re most passionate about right now. Write it down on a piece of paper and put it on your bedside table or on the fridge. Or set it as part of the lock screen on your smartphone. 
  • Get some positive information or conversation flowing into your mind. Listen to a podcast, read a new blog post or a chapter in a book that motivates you or makes you laugh. Or, have a fun or uplifting conversation with your partner, kids, friend, or a co-worker.

References and Further reading:

  1. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/optimism-and-your-health
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/positive_psychology_in_practice